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GHHN September 2021 Newsletter

GHHN September 2021 Newsletter

The GHHN’s collective work to become a non-profit corporation governed by a Board of Directors took major steps forward over the summer. While this journey began last November with a series of in-depth consultations led by Ernst and Young, and was supported by the Health Equity Framework development led by Adrianna Tetley in the Spring, this last two months has resulted in a draft set of Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Governance Manual. The GHHN is the first OHT in the Province to pursue the path to incorporation, although since our work began last winter, several other OHT’s have expressed a similar intent.

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GHHN July 2021 Newsletter

GHHN July 2021 Newsletter

As we move into the last half of 2021, we continue to work together to better integrate care in our priority areas, and recognize the importance of building in Covid-19 recovery planning. Recovery planning will be shared work across the whole system, but we have seen how innovation and creativity has prevailed to improve the lives of people in our community, and I look forward to this continuing!

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