About Us
Who We Are
The Greater Hamilton Health Network is one of 54 Ontario Health Teams across the province with a purpose of transforming healthcare in partnership with patients, families, care partners, primary care, local organizations and the community.
The Greater Hamilton Health Network is a collaboration of local patients, families, care partners, and health and human service partners. The GHHN includes representation from more than 40 organizations, reflecting primary care, home care, hospitals, community agencies, long-term care, mental health, Indigenous health, post-secondary education, and the City of Hamilton (Healthy and Safe Communities Department, Public Health and Paramedic Services).
As a dedicated group of professionals, organizations and people with lived experience we are working to co-design a patient centred health system grounded in engagement, health equity and the local needs of the communities we serve.
We look forward to building community health together.

A healthier community that provides an equitable and seamless continuum of care that actively improves population health and meets the individual needs of our community.
A population that is:
- Healthier, with lower rates of chronic illness
- Activated, informed, and empowered to navigate the system
- Treated equitably
Our Mission
Building Community Health Together
Reports and Documents
To view a list of our current reports and documents please visit our Media and Reports page here.