A young caregiver is a child, teen or young adult who supports a family member for a variety of reasons. It could be a parent, sibling or grandparent. They may have a chronic illness like cancer, diabetes, dementia or Multiple Sclerosis. They may have an intellectual...
Happy 2024 GHHN! Another year has passed and now new opportunities are before us. I hope you all had some downtime, rest, chocolate, or whatever rejuvenates you! There is so much ahead for the GHHN in 2024. Our new strategic plan is now live, we are diving deeper into...
It continues to be an exciting time for the GHHN! On September 27th, it was announced that the GHHN is one of 12 OHTs chosen to implement an advanced workplan and work towards OHT designation at a rapid rate. What does this mean? It means we are working towards...
Happy Summer Partners! The first six months of the year have already passed us by. It has been filled with hard work, complex issues to discuss and great successes. Over the past 6 months we have brought on amazing initiatives like the lower limb preservation project,...
We stand in support of our local Two-Spirit, transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse communities. Providing gender-affirming care confirms bodily autonomy to those we serve and is consistent with our Health Equity framework.