GHHN October 2022 Newsletter

GHHN October 2022 Newsletter

Happy October GHHN! Seems like there was an abrupt end of summer with the introduction of back to school, normal September routines and this cool weather! I hope you all had the chance to spend some time to recharge over the summer months. I want to thank everyone who...
Haldimand Health: Rural Healthcare

Haldimand Health: Rural Healthcare

Haldimand County, located along the north shore of Lake Erie and the Grand River, is home to charming rural communities, with notable cultural sites featuring an abundance of natural attractions to enjoy. This county’s close-knit community is located a mere 20km south...
Environmental Sustainability at the GHHN

Environmental Sustainability at the GHHN

The Greater Hamilton Health Network recognizes that Environmental Sustainability is a key pillar of building healthy communities. In response to growing concerns by the public and health experts regarding the environmental impacts of health care, we have begun to...
GHHN Presents at ICIC22 Denmark

GHHN Presents at ICIC22 Denmark

In November 2021 the Greater Hamilton Health Network submitted two abstracts to the International Conference on Integrated Care. The first focussed on Women’s Health Days: a community approach to integrated care for women, trans and gender diverse persons experiencing...