GHHN May 2023 Newsletter

GHHN May 2023 Newsletter

May brings a dedicated focus on mental health week, the GHHN has also focused May on bringing attention to harm reduction as an equitable philosophy of care. Harm reduction education and activities are taking part throughout the month and we hope you can take the time...
2022 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

Welcome to the Greater Hamilton Health Network’s 2nd Annual Report We are proud to share with you the work of our GHHN Project Management Office, patients, families, carepartners, and our community partners and collaborators. In this report we have organized our...
GHHN March 2023 Newsletter

GHHN March 2023 Newsletter

Happy March Partners! I cannot believe we are nearing Spring. January marked my second year with the GHHN, it’s true, time flies when you are having fun! It has been a tremendous privilege to be part of the GHHN and to work with all of you.
GHHN December 2022 Newsletter

GHHN December 2022 Newsletter

As we come into the New Year, I reflect on all that has been done over 2022 and all of the pressures and stressors that remain. It has already been such a difficult and challenging Fall season, and we all know Winter is coming (which we know is not a relaxing time in...
GHHN October 2022 Newsletter

GHHN October 2022 Newsletter

Happy October GHHN! Seems like there was an abrupt end of summer with the introduction of back to school, normal September routines and this cool weather! I hope you all had the chance to spend some time to recharge over the summer months. I want to thank everyone who...