Get Involved
Get Involved with the Greater Hamilton Health Network!
There are a number of ways to get involved and stay informed, subscribe to our newsletter, follow our blog, join our online engagement platform ENGAGE GHHN or see below to get involved directly.
Are you a local patient, family, care partner, primary care provider, or community organization looking to get involved with the GHHN? If yes, please fill out the form below or contact us at
Get Involved
Are you a local organization looking to engage with the GHHN Patient, Family, Care Partner Leadership Network on a project? If yes, please fill out the form below or contact us at
Local Organizations Looking to Engage with GHHN!
Reporting back commitment
An important element of engagement is reporting back to those that have been engaged in the work to share findings, to ask for feedback and to provide a copy of the finished product.
Your form will go to the Patient, Family and Care Partner Leadership Network to be reviewed. Based on their assessment we may be able to support you in one of 3 ways:
Use our online engagement platform to engage the broader community
- Reach out to our Patient, Family, and Care Partner Pool for consultation
Engage our Network at the involve/collaboration levels